Tank Cleaning/Pumping
An amazing number of septic system owners believe that if they haven’t had any problems with their systems, they don’t need to pump out their tanks. Unfortunately, this is a serious and sometimes costly misconception. Think of your septic system as you do your vehicle. The septic tank is like the oil-filter: it needs to be cleaned (changed) periodically to prevent blockage at the tank inlet and a potential backup into the house, as well as to protect your drain field from clogging and causing costly replacement. As your system is used, solid materials settle to the bottom of the tank, forming a sludge layer. Grease and lightweight materials float to the surface of the septic tank as scum. Normally, properly designed tanks have enough space for up to two to four years of safe accumulation of sludge. When the sludge level increases beyond this point, sewage has less time to settle properly before leaving the tank. As the sludge level increases, more solid wastes escape into the drain field. If the drain field becomes so clogged that it cannot absorb liquid at the rate at which it enters the tank, the plumbing will “back up” or unsanitary wastewater will bubble to the surface. Remember: Regular pumping helps prevent solids from escaping into the drain field and clogging soil pores.
Engineered Systems
If you have an engineered system, we check the electric components for your lift station pump and alarm system at each cleaning. It is important to know that when you push the “Test” button on your alarm panel and it buzzes, this does NOT mean the alarm float in the tank is connected or giving an alarm. The alarm must be tested by lifting the float in the tank. If you have a effluent filter of any kind at the outlet of your 1st tank, we check and clean it, if needed, and verify that it has an alarm float installed and the alarm works. These filters will need cleaning more frequently than your pumping date, and should be checked every 6 months until a filter cleaning frequency is established for your household. We also check the inspection ports for liquid levels in the drain field sections. The valve box will be inspected to determine water distribution within the drain field. Many fields will require adjustment or rotation of the zones within the field in order to distribute evenly. We provide a maintenance service for engineered systems. If you would like personalized maintenance plan for your septic system please contact us for more information.
Use Permit & Transfer of Title Inspections for Home Sales & Remodeling
Many counties in Colorado require a Use Permit or Transfer of Title be issued under the following circumstances:
- Sale or change of ownership of the property served by an OWTS
- Change in use of the property. For example, if the residence is converted into a business or commercial use
- The addition of two or more bedrooms onto the residence
- The addition of a separate “modular” home onto the OWTS
Douglas County Septic has approved and certified Use Permit Inspectors that will check the septic tank, electrical connections, controls and pumps (if applicable), and the Soil Treatment Area (aka: Leachfield, Drainfield, Absorption Area).
Click on the links below to view the Q & A’s that help to explain the process.
**Please note that each county has their own fee schedule for Use Permits and Transfer of Title.**