Tri County Health Department Offices
Castle Rock
410 S Wilcox St
Castle Rock, CO 8010
(I-25 & Plum Creek)
Phone: 303-663-7650
Fax: 303-688-8870
Altura Plaza
15400 E. 14th Place #115
Aurora, CO 80011-5828
(Colfax & Chambers)
Phone: 303-341-9370
Fax: 303-367-2597
6162 South Willow Drive, Suite 100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111-5114
Phone: 303-220-9200
Fax: 303-220-9208
Elbert County Health Department
PO Box 924
75 Ute Ave.
Kiowa, CO 80117
Phone: 303-621-3144
Fax: 303-621-2537
Web: elbertcounty-co.gov
El Paso County Health Department
1675 W. Garden of the Gods Rd., Suite 2044
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: 719-578-3199
Fax: 719-578-3188
Web: elpasocountyhealth.org
Jefferson County Health Department
1801 19th St.
Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 303-271-5700
Fax: 303-271-5760
Web: jeffco.us