For new residential properties, the county building department will not give you a building permit until you have obtained a septic permit from the county health department. To obtain the septic permit, you first need a soils test performed. The soils test takes from 10 to 30 days from order date to written report, depending on which engineering firm you choose and how busy they are. Once you receive the soils test report, you file it together with an application form and a check for the application fee with your local health department office. The permit should be issued in 7 – 10 days. A copy of the septic permit can then be given to the building department along with your plans. The permit expires in one year but is renewable for a second year. If the soils have too slow a percolation rate (above 60 minutes per inch) or if there are shallow sandstone or clay stone bedrock conditions you may need an engineered system. Engineered system designs can be prepared by a soils engineering firm at an additional cost. Once you receive your soils report or engineered design please fax or mail a copy to us. We are happy to talk with you about what you want and need, visit the site and give you a prompt estimate for the cost of installation.
Installation of Commercial Septic Systems
For new industrial or commercial properties the county building department will not give you a building permit until you have obtained a septic permit from the county health department. Also, the health department regulations require that all industrial/commercial septic systems be designed by a professional engineer. To obtain the septic permit you first need a soils test performed and an engineered design. The test and design can be done by the same engineer. The process takes from 20 to 60 days from order date to written design, depending on which engineering firm you choose and how busy they are. Once you receive the design, you file it together with an application form and a check for the application fee with your local health department office. The permit should issue in 7 – 10 days. A copy of the permit can then be given to the building department along with your plans. The permit expires in one year, but is renewable for a second year. Once you receive your engineered design please fax or mail a copy to us. We are happy to talk with you about what you want and need, visit the site and give you an estimate for the cost of installation. We usually need 2 – 4 weeks’ notice to schedule the work. We recommend that the system be installed near the end of your construction project to minimize the chance of damage to the system from construction traffic.