If you are new to rural life, you probably have never given much thought to one common aspect of living “in the country”. This would be your septic system. In town, your waste water leaves your house, goes to the central waste water treatment plant, where it is treated by trained specialists. This water then […]
Septic Systems & Landscaping
Septic system must be pumped routinely so it is a good idea to keep the tank lids exposed so your lawn does not have to be dug up every 2 – 4 years. However, we know people want to have nice lawns and do not want their grass be dug up. Septic tanks are generally […]
How to Find Your Tank
Everybody must know where their tank is along with all access lids! If you don’t, how will you be able to look in there to diagnose a problem when one arises? Plus, your pumper doesn’t want to find anddig up access lids all day; – otherwise, our drivers would all quit after one day of […]
Troubleshooting Problems
Here are steps to troubleshoot your standard gravity septic system: Open the lid of the septic tank and observe the water level. If the level is normal, then the problem is in the line inside the house or between the house and the tank. There may be a simple stop-up or clog, or the line […]
Grease and Oil
The addition of excess grease or oil from food preparation processes is not helpful to your septic system. When you wash or rinse cooking oils or grease in hot water at the sink, it starts to congeal on its way down the sewer line to the septic tank, and can form a hard, caked clog […]
Excess Water
When we pumped your septic tank and/or inspected your system, we noticed a trickle of excess water entering the tank from the house sewer line. We have left food coloring tablets with this document so you can test your toilets. A septic system is designed to handle a limited amount of water in a 24 […]
Odors Inside AND/OR Outside the House
Inside: Many people have asked me about a problem with a sewage odor inside their house. Usually this odor emanates from a dry drain. Each drain in your house has a trap associated with it. The trap is the U-shaped pipe you see under your kitchen sink. See diagram below. The purpose of this pipe […]
“What Now” Repair Procedure
Select location for new drain field Select soils engineer to conduct soil analysis in desired location Engineer generates written soils test report. Key points: Average Percolation Rate, 0-60 in./min. Soil type – ie: sand, clay, sandstone, bedrock Number of bedrooms in house – NOT bathrooms If APR is greater than 60, or depth to bedrock […]
New Septic System… UGH ! “How Much Will It Cost? ”
Bad news, but you’ve come to terms & accepted the fact that it’s time to replace your septic system. Now, how much is this going to cost? Before any reputable Installer can provide a fair & accurate price quote to replace your system, they must have sizing & design information. It’s no different than if […]
Hosting Guests on a Septic System
There are many times every year when we have visitors in our homes. Why spend time worrying about septic problems, when you should be relaxing with family and friends? With a house full of guests, your septic system’s soil treatment area may not be able to handle the extra usage/water load. There are ways to […]